Friday, December 22, 2006

Ripple Effect


Which brings us to the end of tonight's seance. Shall I continue? Shouldn't I wait for a more auspicious evening (tap)? Lessee... today (actually yesterday) is the 22nd. Monday is Christmas Day. Tuesday would be the next possible drunken encounter with my 'followers.' Hmm.

My decision is to wait 'til next Friday night. New Year's Eve will be next Monday. This suggests that I will get drunk again a week from Sunday night. I am certain that both my liver and my brain are up to the challenge. But are you?

We have been only minimally affected by the recent blizzard. Kootch paid a neighbor 20 dollars (I owe her ten dollars) to shovel her car out of the snow. I did the shopping today. Major traffic hassle.

Been playing chess on Comcast and also playing C-III. Best of both worlds. Recently lost to 'Ripple Effect' (tap) due to underestimation (1350 rating). Next time I'll kick his ass.

Joy to the World


To me, 'victory in Iraq' would be the conversion of all Iraqis to Christianity. Iraqi males would unanimously begin foreskin restoration. The Democratic Republic of Iraq would dedicate 100 percent of all oil output exclusively to the United States, and at a 20 percent discount on the world price, with 30 percent being a US option until the Year of Our Lord 2507. Male Iraqi dogs would no longer be despised.

I see Foreskin Restoration as a more important fruit of victory in Iraq than cheap oil or even many new Christians, for the simple reason that such a result would bring more Joy to the World.

TiVo is recording 20/20 so I was forced to watch The McLaughlin Group in real time tonight. Spectacular! I agreed with most all of the recommendations.

I should make note here as to the current state of my Friday night drunken(tap)ness: I am currently (2202) on my 9th beer (of twelve). I drank a double shot of whiskey after each of the previous four beers (Nose gas, about ten sneezes. Eyes watering profusely). I consider myself to be moderately innebriated at this point. I should also mention that as usual I have had nothing to eat since the previous day. Therefore my boozing is being done on an 'empty stomach.' I see this as prima facie evidence that my liver is performing brilliantly.

Not to mention my brain. I continue to marvel at the fact that alcohol improves brain function in the short term on Friday nights.

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Victory in Iraq


I should note here that this week's nighttime RF was way down from that of last week. As a result I got a good night's sleep every night except last night. Last night went like this:
'Bed at 0130 (whole body PRF 0130-0300, 0530-0830. Strong TCRF 0930-1000)'

I must have got 3-4 hours of sleep. A good sign was that I again woke up dreaming, indicating to me that I had been able to satisfy my requirements for essential dreamless sleep. My interpretation of the relative lack of RF during the night this week is that my threats of last week were taken seriously by Gerash and his co-conspirators. I seriously doubt that the motive was in any way seasonal.

Current-events-wise, the question this week is, 'What would victory in Iraq look like to you?' Good question. The answers range from, 'Them all killing each other,' to 'Let Saddam go.' There are an infinite number of intermediate positions. My favorite answer is my own, described in the next post.

My Plan


My counterattack against Judeo-fag-iannity is going well: I have been thinking about the idea.

You may recall that I have repeatedly attempted to interest the local police population in my problem, to no avail, the most recent example being my encounters with Kelso and Shabby Shawn. Those attempts were in the nature of 'bottom-up' attempts. They failed miserably and I am not inclined to repeat them. In fact, those attempts demonstrated that Gerash and his cohorts were well prepared for my eventual requests for police assistance.

So I will now try the 'top-down' approach. Should be interesting. Is Gerash really the Denver Jewish Godfather? We shall see.

Here, for example, is the point at which I intend to begin the 'top-down' approach. I will e-mail this fellah. I will describe my problem with the filthy Jew Gerash as succinctly as possible, then I will request police assistance. I will be polite, of course. I will inform this fellah, who is obviously in the dark concerning my problem, that I would really appreciate police service in this matter.

Naturally I will keep you informed.

Happy Hanukkah


Well, The History Channel sort of preempted me on the Christmas Tree (tap) with yesterday's 'Christmas Unwrapped' history of Christmas, saving me the trouble. This leaves me with only my personal theory of Hanukkah as a subject. As you probably know, Hanukkah - also known as The Festival of Lights - (thump) celebrates a miracle of the Jewish god WHTZSNM. Seems that the ancient Isrealites defeated (tap) the Seleucid Empire and retook the Temple in Jerusalem. The temple needed to be rededicated, but apparently the previous owners had left only one day's supply of consecrated olive oil for the lamps. I takes eight days to manufacture consecrated olive oil from scratch. So instead of waiting for enough olive oil to be manufactured, the Jews rededicated the temple immediately, relying on WHTZSNM to replenish the oil supply in the lamps as they burned. Legend has it that this particular miracle was well within the powers of WHTZSNM, and the lamps burned 'miraculously' for the required eight days until a new supply was available.

A skeptic would suggest that the Jewish priests secretly replenished the olive oil in the lamps from stores available in the local Jewish community. But it seems to me that such a subterfuge would have been discovered eventually. Therefore the priests needed to tap a supply which would certainly not be revealed: the local masturbation supply. What I am suggesting is that the priests secretly used their own personal stashes of olive oil which they kept around in order to fascilate masturbation. (By the way, I am whistleing The Irish Washerwoman as I type this. You may or may not know that I have dubbed this song, The International Masturbation Anthem. I love this particular version because it increases tempo as orgasm approaches, somewhat remeniscent of the real act of masturbation.)

The priests may even have resorted to tapping the supply of the local population, depending on whether there was enough priestly olive oil in stock. If so, it would have been a somewhat riskier business. Perish the thought that pig fat might have in some cases been substituted from such unreliable suppliers.

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Friday, December 15, 2006

The Christmas Tree


Which brings us to the most current aspect of 'the culture war,' which is 'the war against Christmas.' Seems that Jews and Seculatists are making war against the most hallowed rituals of Christianity. I love this! It happens every year!

The most recent example on tv followed the antics of a dumbass Jewish rabbi (with a grotesque beard!) who threatened a lawsuit against a certain airport which had an unbearable number of Christmas Trees which were displayed to the public. Argh! The dumbass Jewish rabbi threatened the airport with a lawsuit unless the said airport introduced 'Minorahs' as a sort of counterweight to those objectional Christian trees. The incident was all over the news. The airport was apparently cowed by the possibility that the said dumbass Jewish rabbi would connect with an equally dumbass Jewish lawyer who would cause huge financial harm to the said airport.

Instead of telling the dumbass Jews to get fucked, the airport removed the Christmas trees. Bad idea. I would have told the dumbass Jewish sucker to get fucked along with his lawyer.

The dumbass Jewish rabbi eventually apologized and the trees were reinstalled.

What most interests me about this story (aside from theme that Jews are hopelessly stupid people) is that the 'Christmas Tree' is a Pagan idea which - due to its compelling cultural gravitas - was eventually adopted by Christians as a Christian symbol.

I will expound on both the idea of The Christmas Tree and the idea of The Minora in my next venture next Friday night. You don't want to miss it.

A Faraday Shield


I like Robert Bazell even though he is probably Jewish. Check your wee-wee, Robert.

I loved 'The Lost Room' which will be aired again Sunday afternoon on the Sci-fi channel. What a gloriously surreal story! Reminds me of the current Evangelical theory concerning The End of the Age..

One of my notes for this occasion referred to 'RF shield in floor above' (faint boom). Let me explain: intense RF radiation - and I recently noticed that the local (tap) news is worried about RF radiation from Lookout Mountain (tap) - affects everyone in the vicinity. It follows that the folks who live upstairs would be affected by the radiation which I am currently enduring, whether they could 'feel' it or not. If they knew about it they would be concerned. Furthermore, if Gerash were upstairs during such radiation he would be affected (although not as much as I).

I think that Gerash created a shield to protect not only himself but his cohorts against the radiation he directs against me. I think that this shield was constructed about 3 or 4 years ago. At that time there was a major 'renovation' to the floor of the apartment upstairs: the rug was ripped up and a new floor was installed. Nowadays, instead of a rug, that floor is a 'hardwood' (or laminate) floor. I remember going upstairs on more than one occasion and seeing the process through the open door. On one occasion the light fixture in our hallway began to leak and a puddle of water formed on the hallway rug-floor. I went upstairs to complain. The door was open (tap). I could see them (the workers) smoothing what appeared to be a wet plaster covering (thump). I presumed it was a 'base' for an eventual rug, but I later saw that it was actually the base for a (probable laminate) 'hardwood floor.'

I think that beneath that plaster base lies a metal mesh designed to protect against RF radiation. I think that that 'shield' is properly grounded. Prove me wrong if you can.

Shame on You Robert Bazell


But first a note about 'prayer and luck:' I see both methods of avoiding STDs as about equal concerning the eventual results. Indeed, luck might even yield better results given that God might be offended by such prayers.

Regarding circumcision versus soap and water, here are the major arguments:

Circumcision is effective half of the time because of the dried out, leathery nature of the circumcised penis. Over many years the penis has adjusted itself to the elements. It has dried out and formed protective tissue over the glans. This (thick) tissue is what protects against invasion by STD-causing microbes. Most STDs probably enter the penis via the urethral opening. This same leathery tissue contributes very little to sexual enjoyment.

On the other hand, the natural (tap) penis has a warm, wet environment under the foreskin. There, germs can prosper and multiply unless the penis is regularly skinned back and washed with soap and water. It follows that unless the natural penis is washed after a sexual encounter it will be more likely to harbour unwanted life forms which may have been transferred from the sexual pardner.

This brings us to 'probability:' circumcates are half as likely to be infected as normals. Is that really an argument for neonatal sexual mutilation? I think not. Such a small benefit is hardly compensation for such a huge loss in lifetime sexual enjoyment, especially when much more effective measures than neonatal circumcision are available. Shame on you Robert Bazell.

Soap and Water Versus Circumcision


I think you will agree that this '25 year study' strongly suggests that circumcates are 50 percent less likely to come down with an STD after having sex with an infected pardner. I also agree. But is that a valid argument for neonatal penile mutilation? Absolutely not! There are many other ways of avoiding STDs: condoms, abstinence, genital cleansing (after the act), prayer, luck, etc. Circumcision is only one of many ways.

But consider what circumcision does besides 'making it 50 percent less likely' that you will be infected: circumcision is a horrible mutilation which decreases sexual pleasure by cutting away ennervated tissue which was designed by Mother Nature to both protect the penis and fascilitate sexual pleasure. Circumcision may please the Jewish god WHTZSNM, but Mother Nature would be absolutely appalled by the 'procedure' which makes it difficult to masturbate without a lubrication (pig fat, for example. Or olive oil).

(I just noticed that Reuters was the source for the study quoted some time ago by MSNBC. Wierd. Do The Jews own Reuters nowadays? If so, times have changed.)

I think we can all agree that 'prayer' and 'luck' are not reliable methods of avoiding infection. Considering that abstinence is not a serious option, this leaves soap and water as the single most likely rival to circumcision (excepting condoms). In the next post I will examine these two methods: soap and water vs circumcision.

The Circumcision Cult: Alive and Well on MSNBC


I am very pissed off by this week's sleep deprivation, and I am determined to mount a counterattack. That will begin Monday. If you are at all involved in the Arapahoe County Criminal Justice System or the Arapahoe County Mental Health System, then you should find my effort, 'interesting.' If not, then I am sure that I can find other interested readers, who may possibly begin to wonder about your lack of interest. Need I say more?

I will also give her (my primary care physician) the address of this web site, since I intend to provide it to sundry other folks including the ACSD. I think that a good blogger rule should be that said blogger ought to provide the site address to anyone mentioned in the blog. Technically therefore, I should also mail the site address to Walter Gerash. But somehow I doubt that he is in the dark concerning this blog (tap). I have already (boom) given the address to (boom) several people, all of whom work for Kaiser Permanente. In fact, the very first person I gave this blog address to was a (probably Jewish) physician at KP who retired soon thereafter. Can't remember his name at the moment, but he was a very jovial (thump) fellow. I warned him to ' prepared to be shocked.' I had in mind at the time my references to 'Jewish penis envy.'

Which brings us to an interesting (to me) piece I saw on both MSNBC and NBC this week. The piece was 'breaking news' on MSNBC but was only a news item on NBC. I had read the item in question at least a week or two earlier on the MSNBC web site, so it hardly qualified as 'breaking news.' What was interesting about the piece was that neonatal circumcision was touted as a way to stop AIDS. It was Circumcision Cult Crap, of course.

Protime (INR) Test


The fish fry (not those chess games) took exactly 11 minutes. I cooked the salmon steaks for exactly 6 minutes on the virgin side and 5 minutes on the other. Kootch said it was delicious. We watched 'Millionare' in tivo while she ate and I drank beer. Before dinner Kootch gave me a giant hint regarding Christmas: a Sudoku machine. By the way, she totally missed her soap today as she did her Sudoku thing.

Speaking of fish fries I finally got to play the shortest possible chess game a few days ago: 1.e4 g5 2.d4 f6 3.qh5 mate. I was White, of course. After two or three weeks of playing C-III I went back to online chess (tap), but this time I would often opt to play whomever was already waiting for a game. This meant that I would usually play Black. I think I thereby mostly avoided playing Gerash. I usually win playing Black too, of course, but it takes longer.

There was a minor emergency last week when my INR went up to 5, which is 'way out of range' (my INR should remain between 2 and 3). Interestingly, there was no letter to that effect. Instead, Kaiser chose to communicate via phone (tap). I got the impression they were very concerned. I did some research on the web and found at least one instance of death due to high INR (50) which led to internal bleeding. This sudden (boom) spike in INR was probably due to a drug interaction (tap - Judeo-Faggotry is alive and well upstairs, as usual). I was recently prescribed a drug called, Lovastatin. This drug affects cholesterol production by the liver. I mentioned the possibility of a drug interaction to the prescribing physician (because the liver also has a role in controlling blood clotting rate). She discounted the idea, but I later discovered, via the internet, that Lovastatin may contribute to an excessive INR.

I will mention this to her on my next visit, of course. Meanwhile I have discontinued Lovastatin. Such is the power of the patient! Poor doctors: they are often reduced to the status of mere advisor.

The Week That Was


What a week (thump). Sleep deprivation seems again to be the guiding principle this week, and as a result I got only 3-5 hours of sleep per night. The good news is that they use RF (thump) radiation instead of gas. More good news: in spite of very little sleep I have been kicking ass on the 'Comcast chess board' all week. Of course, the competition is generally in the 'beginner' range, which accounts for my success.

It is very important for a tournament chess player to get adequate sleep. Back in the 'old days' when I still played tournament chess, I had trouble getting enough sleep on nights before tournaments. I chalked it up to 'pre-tournament jitters,' but I am sure nowadays that harrassment from above played a role (tap). I eventually developed a 'pre-tournament routine' which was designed to get maximum sleep the night before: 1. Go to bed early. 2. Eat lots of salty stuff on the night before (this inhibits night-time urine production). 3. Sleep late. It pretty much worked.

Nowadays, the only way (thump) I can get a good night's sleep is to booze it up. I have not yet tried the alternative: spend the night in a motel. The obvious reasons? Booze is cheaper and more fun.

1504 and Kootch just notified me that 'Fish is ready to fry.' (She has done the dirty work of scaling, washing, and salt-pepper-flouring. My job will be to fry it. Bye...)