Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Open to Suggestions


Which makes the 'hanging motion detector' incident even more problematic. I should say that I also secure the patio door latch with duct tape, making an exit in that direction equally uncoverupable. Furthermore, both the intake fans and the exhaust fans are secured with duct tape such that no exit in either direction is coverupable. This leaves only the following possibilities:

  • I am nutty as a fruitcake ala 'A beautiful Mind.'
  • I am making this up.
  • The fucking place is haunted.
  • There is a 'secret trapdoor' somewhere in the apartment.
  • (open to suggestions)

(This is my first use of the 'bulleted list' function. Neat!)

One last observation: I have located two of the three motion detectors. One is still missing. Guess which.

Woooo, Woooo, Woooo...


So lessee... If I didn't put it there, and Kootch didn't put it there, how did it get there? Other strange doings recently:

Once, while Kootch was in Japan on her most recent visit, I came home from the supermarket and found the oven on. It was not on when I left. In fact, I had not used (tap) the oven that day or the previous day. Furthermore, I had secured the door with two digital padlocks before leaving the apartment. Who had turned the oven on?

On two occasions while Kootch was in Japan on her most recent visit, I turned on the computer and discovered that the 'McAfee Scan' part of the Security Center had been turned off. It can only be turned off at the computer. I had not turned it off. I never turn it off. Who had turned it off?

The final most recent 'strange doing' (If Al Roker were here now he would be making his 'woooo, woooo, woooo...' Science Fiction Movie sound) was my most recent blood sugar check Sunday when I was feeling lower than whale shit. The device indicated that the last most recent reading was 108, not 100 as I reported in Daily Scratchpad Friday. Kootch denies (tap) using the device at all since returning from Japan. But the numbers on the device are quite large. And 100 is a difficult number to mistake or forget. Granted, I might have misread the number.

But all the same, so to say, I decided Sunday night to put masking tape over the bolt on the front door. The bolt has been taped every night since then, the idea being that, even if an intruder had been able to defeat the sliding bolt in some way he could not have replaced the duct tape as he left.

Strange Doings


(The idiot upstairs beat his head against the wall again just now as I sat here wondering where to begin... lessee... Guess I'll begin with 'strange doings.')

First strange doing: When Kootch came home from her morning (whatever) around 11:30 (tap) today I let her in. Then, as I 'secured the door' (one each doorknob lock, five button combo lock, and (yet another 'headbang') one sliding bolt lock), I noticed that one of my old 'motion detectors' was hanging on the doorknob. Very strange. I haven't used one of those things for years, in fact, not since I installed the sliding bolt lock (stomp above me). Back in the pre-bolt days I used to hang it on the doorknob at night with the 'sling string' wrapped once around the knob stem. The idea was that any rotation of the knob would move the detector, triggering the alarm (which was an old inertial alarm from Radio Shack). The alarm was 3-function: flashlight, motion alarm, and switch-activated.

The 'sling string' was attached to a plastic piece which slid into the detector preventing an internal switch from making contact and setting off the alarm. Pulling the string pulled out the plastic insulator, causing the alarm to sound. I had duct-taped the switch on this particular alarm (another head bang) to prevent accidental alarms, leaving only the inertial motion detector active. I have two others which are not so-disabled. I haven't used any of them in years.

But here was this sucker hanging on the doorknob. The sling string was not wrapped around the knob stem. I asked Kootch whether she had hung it there. Kootch replied in the negative. I believed her. I still believe her.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Sick Weekend


Finally ordered an RF detector this morning, seeing no practical alternative. By the way, my 'grounded screen shield' proved to be ineffective. In fact, it seemed to actually make things worse. I suspect they 'increased the dose rate' to overcome any attenuation by the 'shield.' RF was very heavy Saturday and Sunday, but quite light Monday and Monday night, increasing sharply this morning and staying heavy all day. I felt pretty sick both Saturday and Sunday. Feel great today... so far.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

A Little Detective Work


Drove over to the CCTV Security Store today to look around. I was greeted by a nice looking young lady who explained that they were mostly about TV systems. I could have called first, of course, but then I would have missed that great pair of legs as she walked away.

I am getting the impression that 'RF symptoms' are somewhat related to 'RF frequency.' I say this because a slightly (boom) different symptom showed up today: a warm, sun-burney feeling on the skin. If this is indeed a symptom of RF, then so far there are three. I can hardly wait to experience the next in this series...

Which brings up a consideration when choosing an RF Detector: What is its effective frequency range?

Among the stuff I learned today about RF: microwave ovens rarely leak; RF produces two effects in flesh, (a) heating, (b) current flow. It also dawned on me that RF shielding must be grounded to be most effective. I have worked out a cheap and easy solution, should it come to that.

Did a bit of 'detective work' today: went to the laundry room and wrote down the electric meter reading for 104. I'll recheck it from time to time. By the way, the meter was stopped, just as you would expect. Today's reading was: '02088 - stopped.' Will the reading change? We shall see.

Now for a bit of detective thinking: 'Suppose the meter stays stopped, but the RF attacks continue? Doesn't that eliminate 104 as a source of RF? After all, it takes power to create RF energy...' The obvious answer, of course, is, 'Not exactly. They may be tapping another source.'
(Being RF'd here.) (thump).

Never Give an Idiot a Second Chance...


'During a two hour plus attempt to take a nap this morning I noticed a 'behavior pattern' of sorts. The pattern would begin with a tingling in my toes which steadily increased in intensity. I would then move my left foot such that it was stretched out about a foot beyond the bed, and the tingling in the toes would stop immediately. After about 20-30 seconds the tingling would begin again, but on my upper body instead: head, face, neck, sholder, arm, and upper torso. I have noticed this pattern before, but it repeated itself at least several times during this particular nap attempt.'

The above was written about noon yesterday, and described a 'nap attempt' between about 0900 and 1100. Yesterday was a 'day of RF Rage.' Seemed that once I had 'discovered' the 'skin gas mechanism' it was decided to literally flood the place with RF. It got so bad by 1400 that I was becoming nausous, and decided to leave the apartment and do some 'errands.' I was so sleep-deprived by 1745 that I crashed until 2030. No RF at all that I could detect until about 2200. I hit the sack again at about 2300 and was able to sleep 'till about 0330. The RF began again about 0330 and slowly increased in intensity. They have since maintained their RF attack at what I would call a 'moderate' level.

The plan is to confirm my subjective experience with reliable readings from RF detection equipment. At that point I will again attempt to interest the appropriate 'authorities.' Should be interesting. I like to imagine calling up the ACSD and having another fucking idiot like Kelso respond to the call. Kelso himself will be unacceptable, of course: never give an idiot a second chance.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Current Theory


Being (tap above) zapped again judging by the tingling in my left arm as I type this.

later (0639 am): The RF radiation continued intermittently whenever I was at the computer and still continues as I write this.

Been looking for a reasonably-priced RF detector. My current 'theory' is that 'they' are using microwave oven RF generators. A favorite 'target' seems to be my lower legs and feet (stomp above me). The sensory indication is a tingling in my toes which disappears immediately if I move the affected foot about two feet away from the original position.

Another favorite area is the head-neck-upper torso area. Sensory indications are a tingling on the face and arms and the places where my body makes contact with the mattress. This suggests that the radiation is coming from below.

Judging by the variations in the sense data, they can control the radiation intensity, and are able to focus it to within about a two foot diameter circle. At high levels the tingling is very intense, making it impossible to sleep. Occasionally, there will be sudden explosions of pain - something like a bee sting (another wall-boom). I have noticed these on my feet, lower and upper legs, and even, on two occasions recently, my right eye area near the nose.

A Mysterious Apartment


After the previous post I detected continuous symptoms in both lr and br until about 2330, and again beginning about 0230 (faint wall bang above when I wrote that). I am beginning to get very pissed off about this (tap above me at 0345 am).

I just went outside to get a look at whether they have the lights on in the apartment above (304). Looked dark, but there is audible activity up there tonight as there is every night. Back in the earlier days of this stalking behavior they would actually keep the lights on up there all night, as I was able to verify on numerous occasions. Tonight (another tap from above) only the idiot in 303 seems to have his light on.

Before hitting the sack last night I checked out the apartment below (104) with a flashlight from the outside. The window curtains are open and have been for almost a year now. During the previous five or more years those curtains were always drawn and there appeared to be little or no activity down there. No one would answer a knock on the door. There was a note to the postman indicating that no mail was to be delivered to 104. Very strange. How could the owner of that apartment afford to let it just exist there without either selling it or renting it out? Why was such an obvious economic asset never used? Who was paying the rent on that apartment? And who is now?

By the way (thump above me at 0414) my inspection last night showed that there is no furniture except for a single table in the lr. The floors have been stripped to the concrete base, and the wallboards have been ripped out to about 2-3 feet above the floor, exposing the 2x4 wall studs. It has been that way for several months at least.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A Smoking Gun


Been learning about x rays. Will I have to resort to this? Hopefully not. Nothing in the literature suggests that x radiation is detectable as a skin sensation (but has that experiment been done?). Also, if I were being irradiated by x rays 28 hours a week I should be suffering from radiation sickness. Still, I am convinced 'they' are using some form of radiation in order to harrass me at night. The question is: 'what part of the electromagnetic spectrum is most likely to produce my symptoms?' 'Microwaves?' 'Radar?' I've also been in the process of cataloging the details of each attack by noting where on the body the symptoms appear, when, and at what intensity. Been doing this since about mid-May.

I just now did a little research on 'neurological effects of radiation' and came up with cases of 'dysaesthesia' (also, dysesthesia) due to RFR (microwave radiation) here. That information is enough of a 'smoking gun' for me, and I have taken the trouble to put metal shielding between the mattress and the box spring, since most of my subjective 'readings' indicate that the RF is coming from the 'empty' downstairs apartment even though the 'mad midnight thumpers' upstairs have consistently associated themselves with the 'tingling skin' effect which I have previously called, 'skin gas.'

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Gas/Rad log for 05-16-06


up at 0730

0750 b 8 1 throat gas move to lr
0755 l 3 0 "
0933 b (constant lo-level tg)
0943 l 1 1 tg go to br
0956 b 6 1 tg go to lr
1024 l 1 1 tg go to br
1148 l 1 0 tg go to br
1209 b 6 0 constant tg go to lr
1216 l 1 1 tg
1226 l 1 1 tg
1234 l radiation (rad) go to br
1350 - 1425 bike ride
1430 l 2 0 nose gas fans full power
1443 l 1 1 tg
1448 l constant gas go to br
1456 b constant gas (nose/throat)
1525 b 1 1 tg
1525-1700 constant nose/throat gas
1814 b 2 1 r lung gas
1940 b 1 1 nose gas
1952 b 1 1 tg
1956 b constant tg goto lr
2220 b hot feet (rad) goto lr

bed at 2330 (gas/rad 2230-0030, 0030-0500, 0830-0915)

Rage, Rage, Rage...


Was it something I wrote? (tap) Gassing is now almost constant and I often run the fans at full power. It seems as if the Old Jewish Queer (tap) Upstairs is in a constant state (tap) of rage. The main culprit is 'nose gas.' There are also indications of 'throat gas' but I am unable to say that those indications could instead be due to the high 'nose gas' concentrations. I can only conjecture, of course, but my guess is that El Fisho's unfortunate state of 'mind' is being caused mostly by the end of his 'fantasy vacation.' When Kootch arrives later today he will no longer be able to maintain his sick delusions. Yep. That must be it...

I am pretty much convinced that 'skin gas' does not exist, and that the 'prickly sensations' I sometimes experience are due to some form of radiation, possibly x-rays.

What follows is yesterday's 'gas log.' And by the way, I finished the first 'gas notebook' and am beginning the second 'gas notebook.' This new one has many more lines per page and I was able to get all of yesterday's data on one page, with room to spare.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Don't You Wish You Were Me?


Might have been a bad idea to update this particular blog: there was heavy and occasionally violent gassing from about 0500 'til about 0800. On the other hand they often gas me heavily on thursday nights, possibly intending to either deprive me of sleep or force me to sleep much later than I would have. The latter could indicate that 'they' like me to stay up late with 'them.'

UPDATE: May 6, 0031.

Boo! I am breathing normal air: No throat gas. No skin gas. No right lung gas. No left lung gas. No heavy gas. No nose gas. I am doing my friday night drunk, gas-free as usual. Don't you wish you were me?

Thursday, May 04, 2006

A Trinity of Sorts


Been tinkering with the 'template.' Now the Link Field shows my other two blogs. I'm thinking of posting here again, now and then, maybe once a week. We'll see...

Gassing continues to be light compared to the days when I first began this particular blog, and my URS has recovered accordingly. Recent changes in the gassing pattern are: less 'skin gas;' more 'nose gas.' Nose gas (also called 'sneezing gas') causes a sudden burning sensation in the nostrils. This is followed immediately by swelling of the nasal mucosa and mucho mucus. The result is often a series of sneezes/nose-blows. The burning sensation continues during exhalation, but ceases immediately on the next inhalation if I move to a gas-free area (or if the 'nose gas' was only a 'spike' in the airflow at night when all fans are at full power). It otherwise continues, becoming weaker with each new breath until it disappears after several minutes.