Friday, June 30, 2006

Too Bad For Me


It was this need by TF to convey information about himself that gave me my first clue about the identity of TF: most of these 'hangup calls' happened while I was watching tv. Furthermore, most of them happened while I was watching a tv program about Jews. Slowly, over the period of a year or two, it dawned on me that TF was a Jew, and furthermore, TF wanted me to know that. Most interesting.

I can't really say that those calls proved to me in any sense that my 'telephone antagonist' was a Jew, not at all. But the idea stuck with me: did I know any Jews? Who were they? I could not believe, of course, that I was being harrassed by a Jew. Why? I had never done anything to Jews. Furthermore I knew no Jews. Did I? I thought not.

I was wrong about that: I knew at least several Jews. Too bad for me.

Guess Who I Am


In the beginning, TF was satisfied with eavesdropping: he used one of Kathy's Jewish 'friends' to install an eavesdropping device (infinity transmitter) on our telephone. That was back in about 1977 or before (many taps from above as I write this, which I ignore). This was part of TF's 'information acquisition mode.' (Remember: at this early stage, TF was still learning about us as a family.)

But later, as TF observed our consternation about 'single rings' of the telephone, he he (tap) formed the idea of 'hangup calls.' ('Hangup calls' won't work nowadays, but they worked back then, before the era of 'caller ID'.)

TF used hangup calls mostly to inform: that is to say, TF used hangupup calls as a way of conveying odious information: 'I know your number and I am interested in you. Guess who I am. Guess what this means to you.'

The Plan


I'm back after an unsuccessful attempt to upload my first photographic image to Blogger. I will perfect the technique, then do it later next week. Barf. This leaves me with only the verbal mode, which I know quite well by now.

Lets start with the term, 'psychological abuse' (in the first paragraph). There is no question that TOFG (The Obsessed Faggot Gerash) is perpetrating several forms of PA. Let me count the ways:

1. Eavesdropping.
2. Voyeurism.
3. Unwanted Communication (tap) based on the two above. This mode amplifies the above behavior which would ordinarily go unnoticed. Indeed, taps and stomps (and wallbangs) are of fundamental importance, indicating that simple (1 and 2) are no longer adequate as reward: the stalker wants me to know (1 and 2) as a means to derive personal pleasure. The stalker enjoys inflicting pain, including psychological pain. Simple invasion of privacy no longer satisfies. I will group these three together because they form a coherent whole.

The stalker wants you to know! If you don't know, then much of the time and effort and money expended by the stalker are expended largely in vain. The stalker needs to use the information he obtains about you, against you. That is the plan, the 'economic plan.'

Hate is the Sutra


Time for me to become a 'psychologist.' Time for me to put aside my revulsion and actually devote time and effort to the subject. Time for me to psychologically disassemble the old Jewish Faggot, Walter Gerash. (No offense intended to homosexuals here.)

We must first define the subject: stalker, or more precisely, stalking (which I just read for the first time. Wow!)

Walter Gerash is a 'stalker.' I am certain that he 'does his thing' in person, but that he also uses a variety of people in support of his activity. Mostly, he pays them. There is probably a class of individuals who will do their part without being paid (some Jews and queers - especially Jewish queers), but my impression is that most of them are paid for their services. I suspect that Gerash motivates them psychologically as well as monetarily by showing them evidence of my 'homophobia' and my 'antiSemitism.' This combination of economical and psychological motives serves to create strong 'surrogate stalkers:' not only do these people hate me, they are being paid to hate me!

Gerash's wealth enables him to pursue this obscene hobby of his, and it is more than a hobby, it is really a 'life's work.' Stalking me and my family is Gerash's Life Work. I should point out here that Gerash has very little interest in 'my family' except in the stalking context. Gerash only investigates them and interferes in their lives as an aid to stalking me. They are not his primary interest.

Hog Heaven


Now that I've allowed the three blogs to spill over into each other, so to say, I am faced with the problem of where to begin. Last night's experience suggested the answer to the question, so I will begin here. It was another long night: I hit the sack at 2200; intermittent gas and (mostly) RF began about 2215 and lasted to about 2300-2330. There was more intermittent gas and RF from 0400-0800. Gas has been pretty much abandoned as the primary harrassment tool; RF is now the main method. The RF is mostly continuous, but they do occasionally turn it off, presumably for the purpose of allowing me to see what I'm missing, or possibly in order to generate anxiety (when will they turn it on again?). Whatever. The result was that I got just enough sleep to feel quite good. Twelve hours in, seven hours out. The obvious disadvantage, aside from the time wasted, was that by 1030 my bedroom was already very warm.

RF and gas were used in the usual way all week too, of course. There will be no 'truce.'

This 'puts it to me,' so to say: how shall I proceed with my intention to 'destroy Denver's Jewish Mafia?' Isn't that a bit over-ambitious? Well, maybe. We shall see. And doesn't this play into the hands of the stalkers? Isn't Walter Gerash in Hog Heaven about now?

Friday, June 23, 2006

I WILL Retaliate


I am very pissed off, of course, by this turn of events. I intend to retaliate. Stay tuned. But I am nowhere as sharp tonight as I was last Friday night. Tonight I am very sleep-deprived after a week of heavy RF. I feel like an idiot. I tried to get enough sleep last night by hitting the sack at 2230. The RF began immediately and lasted for two hours at least. There was more heavy RF from 0400-0600, and then more from 0715-0800. I finally woke up at about 1015 after getting about five hours of sleep. This is not acceptable. I will retaliate.

Toward that end I will introduce a new feature to my blog trinity: pictures. You're gonna love 'em. My enemies are gonna hate 'em.

It's What We Humans Do...


To make a long story shorter, gurgling sounds and water-flow sounds were heard at 1445. Ohms were fluctuating at 1450 (3.8-5-8), and continued to fluctuate until 1503, when the ohms stabilized at 3.2. The water was on and the truck was gone by 1515. A check of the water showed that air was only trapped in the hot and cold water lines to the bathtub, indicating that only those two lines were affected by the plumbing 'procedure.'

I experienced 'heavy, stinging RF' from 2250-0000, and from 0230-0300 while in bed that night. I have experienced 'heavy RF' every night since then. My impression is that the initial ground connected to my 'Faraday Shield' was too successful. I was getting too much sleep. The fix for that was to cut the the ground pipes and install non-conductive piping; also to isolate the electrical ground from actual electrical ground. Is that a correct interpretation?

I don't know. I can only relate internal and external events into what seems to be a coherent pattern. It's what we humans do...

I Resort to Eavesdropping


Even more interesting was the plumbing work done last Monday (6-19) on the 'abandoned' apartment below us. TMMC posted a notice on the main entrances Sunday morning to the effect that the water in the building would be shut off (yet again!) the following day from 1400-1600. Kootch gave me the news Sunday morning when she returned with the newspaper (kootch usually goes for the newspaper on Sunday mornings while I am glued to the tv sets). I said, 'I've been expecting that.'

Kootch, whose state of denial prevents any kind of intelligent discussion of the current stalking/harrassment situation, looked at me quizically. I said, 'Don't worry about it. You don't want to know.' Kootch accepted that answer.

But when the appointed time approached I was curious. I had 'grounded' the screen (tap) between the mattress and the box spring to the hot/cold water pipes leading to the bathtub. I had also grounded the same screen to the electrical ground on one of the wall sockets. Curiously, I found that there was exactly a 3.1 ohm (tap) difference between the two grounds. So, when the plumbers arrived at the building to do their thing I clamped the leads of my digital meter onto both 'grounds.' The readout was a rock-solid 3.1 ohms.

Also curiously, the TMMC maintenance truck parked at the west end of the building during the 'procedure' which, as I suspected, would be performed at our (east) end. Sure enough. I verified that they were working in the apartment downstairs by listening to them in the hallway downstairs (through the wall). I checked the laundry room just to be certain. It was empty. I also listened to them in our bathroom. They shut up when I opened the cover to the plumbing area behind the bathtub, but I could hear the hacksaw cutting something down there. I could also see down into their bathroom because the ceiling in that bathroom has been removed. I listened and watched the ohm meter.

Zeroing in


I finally got around to reading this, which clarified the the situation considerably. The information I was searching for was near the end of the report. I quote:

'The sensation reported by the 367 men and women for frequencies below 100 kHz was tingling or pricking, localized in the area adjacent to the region of contact on the finger or hand; for frequencies above 100 kHz and finger contact with the plate electrode, the sensation was warmth or heat in the area below and around the plate electrode; with grasping contact, warmth or heat was felt in the hand and wrist. To determine more accurately the frequency for transition from tingling to warmth, data were obtained for some subjects at 50 and 70 kHz. At 50 kHz, the sensation reported was always tingling, but at 70 kHz, some subjects reported tingling and others warmth. Moreover, when the current was raised slightly for those who reported tingling, the sensation changed to warmth. In addition, for frequencies above 100 kHz at which warmth was felt, when the current was adjusted to be equal to the perception threshold, pain was reported typically within 10-20 seconds, an effect that was not observed for frequencies below 100 kHz.'

So my 3mhz-5ghz device could not detect the offending RF, which is much lower in frequency. By the way, the device name is, 'Zap Checker' model ZC 185. It is sold by Alan Broadband Co for about $170. I recommend it unless you are being roasted at a much lower frequency. I do not at present have a device to detect such low frequencies. I'll work on it next week. See the US frequency allocation chart. It shows the frequencies 50-300 kHz to be mostly in the 'maritime mobile' part of the spectrum. Interesting.

Friday, June 09, 2006

They Live for it


I think I've identified two types of 'RF attack: (tap)' (1) The tingling attack, and (2) The bee-sting (faint boom) attack. I must admit, however, that I still have not been able to reliably match subjective symptoms with objective meter readings. There is much I still don't know. I may have to actually buy and actually read one of those books. Argh. I hate it when I am forced to 'interact' with those stalkers. That's what they want... (tap). A good example of 'getting lost' in these kinds of scenerios can be found in the movie, The Conversation. Stalkers crave your time and attention. They live for it.

Also, I have yet to research the possibility of 'ultrasonic attack.' Do that next week.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

RF Update


As I become more and more familiar with my new RF device I continue to do research on The Web, two examples of which are here and here. But as of now I am far from convinced that RF is really the problem. I expect to do a more comprehensive report in the near future, however.

One of the problems I had was with the sheer range of the device: 3mhz-5ghz, and a sensitivity range of from 'microvolts to who knows?' For example, at maximum sensitivity virtually everything conductive is an RF radiator, even me. Even Kootch. So the first challenge was to get some idea of scale. Where should I set the sensitivity controls on the device to detect the sort of RF energy I expected to find?

I eventually determined on two temporary 'standards:' the telephone, and the walkie-talkie. The telephone is a 'walk around while you talk' device (900 mhz?) designed to transmit over distances of no more than 150 feet or so, while the walkie-talkie is designed to communicate over distances of a mile or more. Energy densities which barely register on the logrithmic scale (the telephone) will register 50% on the log scale and will peg the meter on the middle scale.

Complicating things somewhat is the fact that 'they' increased the nighttime 'RF' attack rate Monday night after the previous post, and virtually flooded the place with 'RF' beginning Monday morning after I wrote that post, 'muddying the waters' considerably, as I was unable to reliably detect those attacks on the device. This raises bandwith questions not to mention 'energy identity' questions: could the problem be, for example, 'ultrasonic?'

We shall see. Back to Non Serviam...

Monday, June 05, 2006

Detector Arrives - Grounding Works


I've removed the RF Detector company from the 'to sue list.' The device arrived Saturday in the mail and seems to be operating exactly as advertised. I am learning a lot about the local 'RF environment' as I become familiar with this device.

The new grounding system on the RF shielding also appears to be working: night-time RF attacks are way down.

There was another 'Mcafee Scan' incident yesterday. This indicates that that feature can indeed be turned off remotely, leaving only the 'oven on' incident mentioned previously as possible evidence for intrusion. By the way, Mcafee seems to be much superior to Norton, which I used on MSN dial-up.

Friday, June 02, 2006



My order for a(tap)n RF Detector seems to be in limbo. I ordered it Tuesday morning and got a confirming email almost immediately. But there was no shipping information. Nor was there any shipping information Wednesday; no phone call, no email. So I called them. I reached a woman who claimed to be a doctor's secretary. She knew of the company but could not put me in touch with a representative of the 'company.' She said that she would leave a message for the secretary of that entity who would give me a call the next day. WHAT!???

After a bit of back and forth with the woman, who eventually accused me of being rude, I gave it up and began to wonder what the fuck was going on. I finally called VISA who confirmed that said 'company' had contacted VISA in order to confirm my card validity, but had not yet hit VISA with a bill. Most interesting.

I am withholding the name of said 'company' for the moment, but have added them to the list of possible 'suees' in this RF matter. Yasss...

Ground is Ground the World Around?


I found the missing device today. It was sitting in plain sight on the 'instrument panel' of the stationary bike. Soon as I saw it there I remembered putting it there. Oh well... guess age is catching up with me.

Bought a cheap VOM (tap) from Sears today, in order to investigate my suspicion that the 'ground' on the 'Faraday screen' is not really ground. Sure enough: the resistance between 'ground' on the bathroom tub water spigot and the the rest of the piping was very high if not 'infinite,' and I had 'grounded' the screen on the spigot. I have since removed that ground wire and installed a somewhat more sophisticated 'ground' (which will remain for the moment undescribed). This one should work. If not, there are other options.