Friday, December 15, 2006

The Christmas Tree


Which brings us to the most current aspect of 'the culture war,' which is 'the war against Christmas.' Seems that Jews and Seculatists are making war against the most hallowed rituals of Christianity. I love this! It happens every year!

The most recent example on tv followed the antics of a dumbass Jewish rabbi (with a grotesque beard!) who threatened a lawsuit against a certain airport which had an unbearable number of Christmas Trees which were displayed to the public. Argh! The dumbass Jewish rabbi threatened the airport with a lawsuit unless the said airport introduced 'Minorahs' as a sort of counterweight to those objectional Christian trees. The incident was all over the news. The airport was apparently cowed by the possibility that the said dumbass Jewish rabbi would connect with an equally dumbass Jewish lawyer who would cause huge financial harm to the said airport.

Instead of telling the dumbass Jews to get fucked, the airport removed the Christmas trees. Bad idea. I would have told the dumbass Jewish sucker to get fucked along with his lawyer.

The dumbass Jewish rabbi eventually apologized and the trees were reinstalled.

What most interests me about this story (aside from theme that Jews are hopelessly stupid people) is that the 'Christmas Tree' is a Pagan idea which - due to its compelling cultural gravitas - was eventually adopted by Christians as a Christian symbol.

I will expound on both the idea of The Christmas Tree and the idea of The Minora in my next venture next Friday night. You don't want to miss it.