Friday, September 29, 2006

Defensive Readiness


Before I move on to Non Serviam tonight I need to disabuse you of the idea that I am a total wimp at the mercy of Jewish Terrorists (stomp). Not so. Back about 1981 I realized that there was somebody out there who 'had it in for me' and who was actively engaged it trying to fuck up my life. So I bought a gun. I opted for simplicity in the form of a re(boom)volver. I figured than when you need a gun for self defense you need it immediately: automatics were complex, but with a revolver you only needed to aim and pull the trigger. I also figured that the best revolver was a six-shot .38 (boom). So I bought a 'detective special' at an arms store.

I am not a fan of guns. I tested the revolver by firing six shots. This familiarized me with the recoil characteristics. I had no doubt that I would be able to kill anybody within 20 feet with it, so I did not try to perfect my aim. It was strictly a defensive weapon. I kept it around as an 'unfortunate necessity.' I always kept it loaded: I did not believe in an unloaded gun. My gun is still loaded. It will stay loaded as long as I have it. I am ready to kill with it, if necessary.

My loaded gun has served me well over the years (and I can't go into details for legal reasons). But if you are being victimized by a stalker, or are subjected to some other form of personal terrorism, then I would suggest that you buy a gun. Keep it always loaded and be ready to use it.

The Devil Cares About You


You wonder how long this will go on. Is this only a (boom) demonstration or is it serious: are they really, really pissed? Are they trying to actually induce a cardiac arrythmia (thump)? Fine with me. There is no more pleasant way to die: a sudden strange feeling of fading away, then nothing. Forever. What a way to go! 'He died in his sleep, lucky fella, but he probably went to Hell.'

The RF session turns out to be non-serious (thump): they do you just enough to keep you awake 'til about (thump) 6:00 Am. It stops suddenly and you go to sleep again. Kootch wakes you up at 7: 00 Am (thump) so that you can bolt the door after her. If you don't bolt the door they will let you sleep, then they will enter the (boom) apartment and do some sort of mischief to let you know they were there (boom). The bolt has kept them out for years: they have long had the key to the lower lock, and the combination to the upper lock, but they have not been able to defeat the bolt.

After Kootch leaves you may or may not try to go back to sleep, depending on how you feel. And they may or may not allow you to sleep, depending on how they feel. Notice that whereas my relationship with Kootch is 'distant' and 'pleasant,' my relationship with 'them' is 'up-close and personal:' they know much more about my life than Kootch knows. Furthermore they 'care' much more about my life than Kootch cares. Whereas my relationship with Kootch is essentially benign, my relationship with 'them' is essentially malignant (thump): they care. Kootch doesn't care.

If nobody cares about you, then count your blessings!



Imagine this if you can: You are engaged in a somewhat frustrating activity when it dawns on you that you have been dreaming but are now awakening. You open your eyes. The room is dark. The clock reads 4 AM. There is a thump above you as you change position in the bed: they are imaging you in some way in spite of the darkness and they are telling you yet again that they have noticed your movement. It has happened every night for the last few years: the 'night shift.' They never seem to sleep. They watch (thump) you constantly.

You slowly become aware that your jaw muscles are vibrating. If you had teeth they would be chattering. Your uppers are in but your lowers (thump) are still stuffed inside the pillowcase. The bed also seems to be vibrating. At first you blame the two large floor fans which are mounted vertically in the window next to your bed. They are running at full power and the roar is tremendous. But after a while it dawns on you that the muscles in your upper torso are vibrating in synch with your jaw muscles at about 10-20 cycles per second and that it is this common vibration which gives you the impression that the bed is vibrating: you are being 'RF'd' again at a very low frequency: an 'unallocated frequency.' A 'legal frequency.'

Time to 'take notes,' so to say. You try to estimate the frequency and get about the same value you got before: 10-20 cps (tap). You vary the distance (thump) between upper and lower jaw. This gives a relative value (being gassed here -RLG - one cough) to the intensity of the RF. It's heavy RF. You turn over on the other side, observing the effects. 'Teeth' still chattering. Another thump from above when you turn over. You count your blessings: at least they are not doing (tap) (boom) your feet! (boom).

The Teeth Chattering Effect


I should mention that Kootch is pleasant enough otherwise (boom). But her denial of our stalking problem is totally ironclad: absolutely nothing can shake it. Nothing! (By the way: I found out today that Kathy had the two boys and that Jenny had the three girls. This brings up the fascinating question of whether both of Kathy's sons are circumcised: did she allow yet another neonatal mutilation? All the world wants to know... Also by the way, Kathy divorced Mark several years after they were married. Apparently it was not exactly a happy union. Hmm...)

So much for ancient history: back to symptomology. I've been studying the RF (boom) symptoms for some time now and I've developed quite a good ability to detect even the weakest forms of RF. The process was much like learning to detect even the weakest concentrations of gas: study it in detail as it happens; record sensory impressions.

My 'studies' indicate that the RF is almost certainly confined to the EL(tap)F (Extremely Low Frequency) range (boom). I had thought at first that it must be in the microwave range but my ZC185 'Zap Checker' did not corraborate. The ZC185 certainly shows large amounts of RF radiation in the environment, but readings could not be correlated to subjective (tap) sensory information. Therefore the radiation was outside the range of the ZC185 (3MHz-5GHz). After much study I have concluded that most if not all of the RF is in the 'unallocated' frequency range of 0 kHz to 9 kHz. To see what I mean, check out the US Frequency Allocation Chart.

My main evidence for this conclusion - aside from the failure of the ZC185 to detect the radiation - is totally subjective. I call it the 'teeth chattering effect (thump).'

Two Different Takes


Been a while since I visited Enough... so thought I'd bring you more or less up to (tap) date... (boom). Since I last mentioned (boom) the sorry state of my feet the RFeteers (thump) have been busy trying to make that state even sorrier, focusing RF (boom) energy most often on my feet. They have had some success at that, I am sorry to report: the numbness has become more widespread. So I've recently done two things sort of in self defense: (1) I talked to my doctor about it. (2) I talked to Kootch about it. (at this point (5:29) I had to stop blogging in order to watch the evening news. At exactly 5:38 they began running the 'floor machine' above me in the living room. The whine (thump) of the machine was very obvious. Could I have mistaken the previous thumps and booms for floor machine encounters with the walls? Not bloody fucking likely.)

Anyway: the doctor listened to my bizarre story of being irradiated by RF, and that it was my strong conviction that the feet numbness had been caused by that RF (boom). I did not mention the gassing. I explained that the Rfeteers were working for a stalker who had a lot of money and a strange hobby. I warned her that said stalker would almost certainly try to target her. She expressed doubt. I explained that said stalker had historically targeted my physicians (and dentists, by the way, although I did not mention that aspect of it to her). She agreed to test for the most obvious causes of 'peripheral neuropathy' (which is what the numbness resembles). The blood tests came back negative for diabetes (the most comon cause of PN). This result confirmed my subjective impressions of what is going on.

Kootch was much less sympathetic. When I explained to her one day last week that my feet were becoming numb, and why, she was not at all impressed. Her main thesis was that I always blamed other people for my problems and that I was nowhere near as important as I thought I was. It was her standard reaction (thump) to my claims of being stalked. Amazingly we had this conversation in an almost jovial mood, having been through the gist of it (but not the details in this particular case) so many times before. After the conversation we resumed our daily ritual of watching 'Millionaire.' (I'm listening to Beethoven's piano concerto #4 as I write this: glorious stuff!)

Friday, September 08, 2006

The Definition of Madness


Been a while since I visited 'Enough...' and recent events have suggested that I return for a post or two. The problem is Gerash. Apparently he feels a kind of uncontrollable rage when I include The Russians in a game of C-III. This rage tends to explode in the form of Gerash beating his head (or something) against the walls upstairs. Gerash is very expressive in this regard. When his rage reaches the 'breaking point' he stomps the floor above me. I suppose that sort of behavior serves as a kind of 'safety valve' (tap) during such stressful times.

It is difficult for relatively normal folks like us to imagine such a scenerio. But people are strange, and strange people are very strange. It is difficult for us to imagine someone eavesdropping on another person playing a video game and becoming outraged by the fact that the player of that game selected as an opponent the ethnic/cultural nation of the eavesdropper, knowing in advance that he (the player) will eventually destroy that culture/nation (tap) if only in a symbolic way in a video game. Difficult. The word, 'madness' comes to mind in such circumstances.

As someone who has actually spent some time (about 4 days total) under observation in a mental facility (courtesy, by the way, of Gerash and his surrogates), I know how strange strange people can be. So I 'understand' gerash in that limited sense. Gerash is 'asleep.' Gerash is a 'mechanical being' who lives his life as a sort of sleepwalker (Ouspensky). Gerash is impaired (tap). As a 'Christian-Buddhist' sort of person I should feel empathy for Gerash. Really. I am not being ironic here.

Now therefore, I publicly renounce (boom) the right to include Russia among my opponents in C-III. By the way, I am working on a series of screen shots of C-III for the sole purpose of inducing you to try this gloriously addictive game. The problem at the moment is that my photographs do not do justice to the superb graphics. I'll work on it. It might be ready by next week.

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