We Are Not Presumed Sane
Which brings us to an interesting point of law: (tap) Clearly the Constitution guarantees that 'the accused is to be presumed innocent until proven guilty.' We all know that. The accused is to be presumed innocent. Only conviction can guarantee guilt (and even a conviction is not an absolute guarantee).
But there seems to be no such corollary rule regarding sanity. We are not presumed sane! At least not in Arapahoe County Colorado. At least not at the ACSD. Gullible Goodman apparently concluded, after hearing Gerash's fig leaf defense, that I was 'insane' and felt no further need to investigate.
Was Goodman being paid by Gerash? I think so. I think that Goodman was (and remains) corrupt. Is Goodman a Jew? Is it Tribal as well as monetary? May well be, I don't know.
In any case I think we need to change that un-American attitude. The police should presume a person sane until proven otherwise in a court of law. That is to say that only a judge can declare a person insane based on sufficient psychiatric testimony. Police 'intelligence' (something of an oxymoron) should have no place in the determination of any person's eligibility for police service.
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