Thursday, January 04, 2007

CR # 95-419


'This is a test...

'Test failed. The test involved uploading a scanned document to Blogger. The first few times I tried to upload the scanned document I got the standard 'site not found' error (The page cannot be displayed). Later, however I was able to upload another test scan to Blogger, but when I tried again to upload the document in question I repeatedly got the 'There were errors during upload' message from Blogger. I'll try again later. If it turns out that I am not able to upload the document due to 'technical problems' I will simply type the document into Blogger. My current theory regarding my lack of success in this regard is that 'they' have managed (tap) to corrupt the link to Blogger such that the upload failed repeatedly.'

Most of that was written yesterday when I was still in 'business mode' (or as I once characterized it, Economic Mode). The idea was to lay a further foundation for contacting the ACSD beginning at the 'top.' I figured that if the ACSD did indeed respond to my request for Police Service in this matter they would begin by reading the most recent post. I wanted to hit them right at the beginning with an example of previous ACSD 'incompetence.' (I use the word, 'incompetence' in favor of other, less inflamatory words like - for example - 'corruption.')

But today is another day and I am in Fun Mode. I will get back to Economic Mode next week. I will then (thump) try again to upload the document, which is an ACSD document titled:

CR # 95-419
CASE TYPE: Information on possible harrassment
REPORT BY: Inv. Paul E. Goodman, Jr.
DATE TYPED: January 18, 1995

And I will also email the top gun at ACSD. Promise.