A Little Detective Work
Drove over to the CCTV Security Store today to look around. I was greeted by a nice looking young lady who explained that they were mostly about TV systems. I could have called first, of course, but then I would have missed that great pair of legs as she walked away.
I am getting the impression that 'RF symptoms' are somewhat related to 'RF frequency.' I say this because a slightly (boom) different symptom showed up today: a warm, sun-burney feeling on the skin. If this is indeed a symptom of RF, then so far there are three. I can hardly wait to experience the next in this series...
Which brings up a consideration when choosing an RF Detector: What is its effective frequency range?
Among the stuff I learned today about RF: microwave ovens rarely leak; RF produces two effects in flesh, (a) heating, (b) current flow. It also dawned on me that RF shielding must be grounded to be most effective. I have worked out a cheap and easy solution, should it come to that.
Did a bit of 'detective work' today: went to the laundry room and wrote down the electric meter reading for 104. I'll recheck it from time to time. By the way, the meter was stopped, just as you would expect. Today's reading was: '02088 - stopped.' Will the reading change? We shall see.
Now for a bit of detective thinking: 'Suppose the meter stays stopped, but the RF attacks continue? Doesn't that eliminate 104 as a source of RF? After all, it takes power to create RF energy...' The obvious answer, of course, is, 'Not exactly. They may be tapping another source.'
(Being RF'd here.) (thump).
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