Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A Smoking Gun


Been learning about x rays. Will I have to resort to this? Hopefully not. Nothing in the literature suggests that x radiation is detectable as a skin sensation (but has that experiment been done?). Also, if I were being irradiated by x rays 28 hours a week I should be suffering from radiation sickness. Still, I am convinced 'they' are using some form of radiation in order to harrass me at night. The question is: 'what part of the electromagnetic spectrum is most likely to produce my symptoms?' 'Microwaves?' 'Radar?' I've also been in the process of cataloging the details of each attack by noting where on the body the symptoms appear, when, and at what intensity. Been doing this since about mid-May.

I just now did a little research on 'neurological effects of radiation' and came up with cases of 'dysaesthesia' (also, dysesthesia) due to RFR (microwave radiation) here. That information is enough of a 'smoking gun' for me, and I have taken the trouble to put metal shielding between the mattress and the box spring, since most of my subjective 'readings' indicate that the RF is coming from the 'empty' downstairs apartment even though the 'mad midnight thumpers' upstairs have consistently associated themselves with the 'tingling skin' effect which I have previously called, 'skin gas.'