Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Rage, Rage, Rage...


Was it something I wrote? (tap) Gassing is now almost constant and I often run the fans at full power. It seems as if the Old Jewish Queer (tap) Upstairs is in a constant state (tap) of rage. The main culprit is 'nose gas.' There are also indications of 'throat gas' but I am unable to say that those indications could instead be due to the high 'nose gas' concentrations. I can only conjecture, of course, but my guess is that El Fisho's unfortunate state of 'mind' is being caused mostly by the end of his 'fantasy vacation.' When Kootch arrives later today he will no longer be able to maintain his sick delusions. Yep. That must be it...

I am pretty much convinced that 'skin gas' does not exist, and that the 'prickly sensations' I sometimes experience are due to some form of radiation, possibly x-rays.

What follows is yesterday's 'gas log.' And by the way, I finished the first 'gas notebook' and am beginning the second 'gas notebook.' This new one has many more lines per page and I was able to get all of yesterday's data on one page, with room to spare.