Woooo, Woooo, Woooo...
So lessee... If I didn't put it there, and Kootch didn't put it there, how did it get there? Other strange doings recently:
Once, while Kootch was in Japan on her most recent visit, I came home from the supermarket and found the oven on. It was not on when I left. In fact, I had not used (tap) the oven that day or the previous day. Furthermore, I had secured the door with two digital padlocks before leaving the apartment. Who had turned the oven on?
On two occasions while Kootch was in Japan on her most recent visit, I turned on the computer and discovered that the 'McAfee Scan' part of the Security Center had been turned off. It can only be turned off at the computer. I had not turned it off. I never turn it off. Who had turned it off?
The final most recent 'strange doing' (If Al Roker were here now he would be making his 'woooo, woooo, woooo...' Science Fiction Movie sound) was my most recent blood sugar check Sunday when I was feeling lower than whale shit. The device indicated that the last most recent reading was 108, not 100 as I reported in Daily Scratchpad Friday. Kootch denies (tap) using the device at all since returning from Japan. But the numbers on the device are quite large. And 100 is a difficult number to mistake or forget. Granted, I might have misread the number.
But all the same, so to say, I decided Sunday night to put masking tape over the bolt on the front door. The bolt has been taped every night since then, the idea being that, even if an intruder had been able to defeat the sliding bolt in some way he could not have replaced the duct tape as he left.
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