Thursday, May 04, 2006

A Trinity of Sorts


Been tinkering with the 'template.' Now the Link Field shows my other two blogs. I'm thinking of posting here again, now and then, maybe once a week. We'll see...

Gassing continues to be light compared to the days when I first began this particular blog, and my URS has recovered accordingly. Recent changes in the gassing pattern are: less 'skin gas;' more 'nose gas.' Nose gas (also called 'sneezing gas') causes a sudden burning sensation in the nostrils. This is followed immediately by swelling of the nasal mucosa and mucho mucus. The result is often a series of sneezes/nose-blows. The burning sensation continues during exhalation, but ceases immediately on the next inhalation if I move to a gas-free area (or if the 'nose gas' was only a 'spike' in the airflow at night when all fans are at full power). It otherwise continues, becoming weaker with each new breath until it disappears after several minutes.