Hog Heaven
Now that I've allowed the three blogs to spill over into each other, so to say, I am faced with the problem of where to begin. Last night's experience suggested the answer to the question, so I will begin here. It was another long night: I hit the sack at 2200; intermittent gas and (mostly) RF began about 2215 and lasted to about 2300-2330. There was more intermittent gas and RF from 0400-0800. Gas has been pretty much abandoned as the primary harrassment tool; RF is now the main method. The RF is mostly continuous, but they do occasionally turn it off, presumably for the purpose of allowing me to see what I'm missing, or possibly in order to generate anxiety (when will they turn it on again?). Whatever. The result was that I got just enough sleep to feel quite good. Twelve hours in, seven hours out. The obvious disadvantage, aside from the time wasted, was that by 1030 my bedroom was already very warm.
RF and gas were used in the usual way all week too, of course. There will be no 'truce.'
This 'puts it to me,' so to say: how shall I proceed with my intention to 'destroy Denver's Jewish Mafia?' Isn't that a bit over-ambitious? Well, maybe. We shall see. And doesn't this play into the hands of the stalkers? Isn't Walter Gerash in Hog Heaven about now?
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