Tuesday, October 31, 2006

RF Frequency and RF Intensity


The remaining controls are, radiation frequenty, and radiation intensity. Radiation intensity is an obvious parameter, of course: they can control radiation intensity simply enough by varying the power of the transmitter. But I doubt that antenna location plus RF intensity (power) can account for the variety of symptoms. I am certain that RF frequency plays a significant part in that regard. In fact, I am convinced that frequency determines symptom, and power determines severity of symptom.

The current favorite form of attack is what I call in my notebook, 'SCRF (scrotum).' The sensation is that your (my) scrotum is suddenly contracting. Although the sensation is not particularly disagreeable it becomes so when in the context of a suspected Judeo-faggot RF attack. I endure this form of RF attack for many hours every day.

Concerning 'countermeasures,' I find that cupping my hand around my balls mitigates the symptoms considerably, and I do that often. There is often a 'response' from above (in the form of a thump) when I do. (Gas (L burning) as I wrote that.)

So that is the current state of affairs. I should mention that as soon as I began this subject some hours ago - (more gas - thump) the scrotal attacks decreased significantly in intensity.

A final note concerning 'RF frequency:' I'm pretty sure that most if not all of the RF energy is contained in that part of the RF spectrum below 9 KHZ.

(Oops. It just dawned on me that I forgot TCRF (teeth chattering RF) in the above post. TCRF mostly happens in bed in the mornings, and has nothing whatsoever to do with temperature. TCRF is the least offensive form of RF. I can actually fall asleep (thump) again!)

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Recent Modes of Attack


As you may know by now, I live in an apartment (condo) owned by my wife, Keiko. Jewish Terrorists have turned it into both a gas chamber and a 'microwave oven,' among other things. This post is to bring you somewhat up to date regarding their (current) activities:

RF (radio frequency) radiation continues to be their currently favored form of attack, although gas is still occasionally employed. RF attack sites are: living room (couch), bedroom (computer), and bedroom (bed). These attacks probably originate from below, which is to say, from the 'abandoned' apartment below us.

The 'symptoms' produced by the radiation are (in rough order of increasing distress): itching, tingling, skin-crawling, fine muscle twitching, pricking, and stinging. 'Fine muscle twitching' is a variant of 'muscle twitching' where the actual twitching originates in small local nerve branches instead of larger main nerves. That is to say that the entire muscle does not twitch, but the smaller components of the muscle (near the surface) do twitch. I presume that 'skin crawling' is an even finer manifestation of 'fine muscle twitching.'

Apparently, the most susceptible part of the body (to fine muscle twitching or skin crawling) is the scrotum. Possibly this is due to the large number of small nerve/muscle formations in the scrotum.

The perpetrators have several ways of controlling the radiation: frequency, intensity, and location. Location is most important. For example, they are unable to irradiate me outside of the apartment, but they may be able to control the precise location of the irradiating antennas below.

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Friday, October 13, 2006

Was That the Idea?


I used the word (tap) 'victim' in a purely legal/rhetorical sense, of course: I don't think of myself as a 'victim.' I give as good as I get. No self-respecting half-Irishman would do less.

The 'twice a week' scenerio (Friday and Tuesday) is about my limit, boozewise, and has left me waaay behind on my favorite blogs and other web stuff, but I have been able to keep a good game of C-III going.

Regarding the most recent Judeo-terrorist attacks, they have been mostly RF, and most recently last night from 0100 and 0600. Much of that time was spent demonstrating their ability to deliver full-body radiation: tingling, pricking to the upper body and tingling-skincrawling to to the legs and feet. I slept intermittently during that period, then solidly from about 0730-1300. This left very little time to catch up with my tivo stuff and my internet stuff.

Was that the idea? Enough. I'm off to Daily Scratchpad. Can hardly wait to see what I wrote there last Tuesday night... I vaguely remember something about my mother...

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Some Answers


The question has several answers:

1. This stalking scenerio is 'long term:' think long term. Think, 'lifetime hobby.'
2. The two lung problem serves to confuse both the victim and the inevitable doctor, creating doubt about the victim's sanity in both victim and doctor. Especially doctor.
3. 'Insane victim' is the desired defense way down the road, obviating 'Insane Stalker.'
4. It encourages the victim to become involved (tap) in the game by figuring it all out. Think 'participation.'
5. The delicious payoff comes when the victim has eventually connected the dots but is unable to acquire allies because everybody thinks him insane.

Those are my conjectures. Maybe you can come up with others.

The identification of LLG leaves the following gasses yet to be identified: Right Lung Gas; Throat Gas; Nose Gas (also known as Sneezing Gas) (more RLG here at (boom) 2031)); Heavy Gas (or Wheezing Gas). I can't think of any more at the moment.

I have already identified RF (the current favorite form of attack) for what it is. By the way, I have also determined that most RF is delivered at 'moderate power.' Last night I got a taste of full power RF: constant tingling, stinging RF to my feet. I can usually move my feet three feet or so and get at least temporary relief, but last night there was no relief. All the time the insane creep above kept stomping the floor or pounding the walls as if in a rage. I finally stuck my legs out (tap) from the bed at almost 90 degrees (boom). That worked to reduce the symptoms. It also worked to reduce rage from above, apparently. The RF stopped or was turned down to the point where I could sleep.

Yes, but Why?


I was then escorted to the doctor's examining room. More equipment. As I waited for the doctor to arrive I reflected on my experience in the previous room: The sensation of 'being gassed' was absolutely indistinguishable from previous occasions of being gassed with Left Lung Gas! I had finally identified LLG and I only had to ask the doctor what it was in order to put a name on it!

As I sit here typing I become more and more certain that I have finally identified that gas: clearly (tap) it irritates the mucosa, both as a liquid and a gas. Furthermore it is widely available, though it is not a 'defense gas' (like pepper spray, for example) (stomp). And it is very portable! I have long observed that LLG is very portable, which means that it can be dispensed covertly in a crowded environment (all the gasser need do is pour some of it on a hanky (thump) and allow it to evaporate near me or in my path).

When the doctor came in I asked her about those drops. She gave me both the brand name and the generic chemical name. Kaiser acquired the drug in lots, but it was available in small quantities by - only by - prescription. Bingo. I had identified Left Lung Gas. Prove me wrong if you can.

The chemical (generic) name is, 'Tropicainide' (being gassed with RLG here - a little joke, no doubt). It is certainly a mucosa irritant and is probably quite volatile. If you are unfamiliar with my blogs you are wondering, 'Why only the left lung?'

My conjecture is that 'they' have long been able to observe me in bed (tap). 'They' formulated a plan to sensitize me in a 'unilateral manner:' 'they' gassed me with LLG only while I was sleeping on my right side (I sleep only on my right or left side - never on my back or stomach). They did this for years (thump). Eventually my left lung became 'sensitized' more than my right lung because my right lung was pretty much collapsed under the weight of internal organs. Same principle with RLG. Why would they bother to do this?

Left Lung Gas: Identified?


The mysterious identity of 'left lung gas' might have been revealed today. The occasion was a visit to Kaiser for an eye checkup.

I arrived about five minutes early. The nurse escorted me into the preliminary examining room soon thereafter. She was a very pleasant, good looking young woman. She put me at ease immediately, then began to do the preliminary eye tests, using various devices for measuring eye performance. Those tests went well in spite of the tendency of my right eye to 'leak tears.' (My right eye gradually fills up with moisture and tends to leak. I think that the tear duct is partially (thump) blocked, allowing excess moisture to build up. This excess moisture tends to distort vision in that eye.) But after much blinking and the occasional tissue we got through the initial tests. Result: there seemed to be very little difference between the current and previous visual accuity values. Next step: dilate the pupils so that the doctor can get a good look at the retina.

The nurse explained to me that the eyedrops she was about to administer would produce a mild burni(boom)ng sensation in the eyes: I could blink the tears out and soak the resulting moisture into tissue paper. She was correct, and I did experience that mild burning sensation. My eyes began to water almost immediately. But then something very unexpected happened: I had the strong (indeed, unmistakable) sensation of being gassed with what I call 'left lung gas.' I coughed.

I told the nurse that the 'vapor from the drops' had made me cough. She expressed surprise. I then told her that I had felt the effects only in the left lung. More surprise. She remarked that this was the first time anyone had reacted (to her) in that manner to the drops.