Tuesday, October 31, 2006

RF Frequency and RF Intensity


The remaining controls are, radiation frequenty, and radiation intensity. Radiation intensity is an obvious parameter, of course: they can control radiation intensity simply enough by varying the power of the transmitter. But I doubt that antenna location plus RF intensity (power) can account for the variety of symptoms. I am certain that RF frequency plays a significant part in that regard. In fact, I am convinced that frequency determines symptom, and power determines severity of symptom.

The current favorite form of attack is what I call in my notebook, 'SCRF (scrotum).' The sensation is that your (my) scrotum is suddenly contracting. Although the sensation is not particularly disagreeable it becomes so when in the context of a suspected Judeo-faggot RF attack. I endure this form of RF attack for many hours every day.

Concerning 'countermeasures,' I find that cupping my hand around my balls mitigates the symptoms considerably, and I do that often. There is often a 'response' from above (in the form of a thump) when I do. (Gas (L burning) as I wrote that.)

So that is the current state of affairs. I should mention that as soon as I began this subject some hours ago - (more gas - thump) the scrotal attacks decreased significantly in intensity.

A final note concerning 'RF frequency:' I'm pretty sure that most if not all of the RF energy is contained in that part of the RF spectrum below 9 KHZ.

(Oops. It just dawned on me that I forgot TCRF (teeth chattering RF) in the above post. TCRF mostly happens in bed in the mornings, and has nothing whatsoever to do with temperature. TCRF is the least offensive form of RF. I can actually fall asleep (thump) again!)

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