Friday, September 29, 2006



Imagine this if you can: You are engaged in a somewhat frustrating activity when it dawns on you that you have been dreaming but are now awakening. You open your eyes. The room is dark. The clock reads 4 AM. There is a thump above you as you change position in the bed: they are imaging you in some way in spite of the darkness and they are telling you yet again that they have noticed your movement. It has happened every night for the last few years: the 'night shift.' They never seem to sleep. They watch (thump) you constantly.

You slowly become aware that your jaw muscles are vibrating. If you had teeth they would be chattering. Your uppers are in but your lowers (thump) are still stuffed inside the pillowcase. The bed also seems to be vibrating. At first you blame the two large floor fans which are mounted vertically in the window next to your bed. They are running at full power and the roar is tremendous. But after a while it dawns on you that the muscles in your upper torso are vibrating in synch with your jaw muscles at about 10-20 cycles per second and that it is this common vibration which gives you the impression that the bed is vibrating: you are being 'RF'd' again at a very low frequency: an 'unallocated frequency.' A 'legal frequency.'

Time to 'take notes,' so to say. You try to estimate the frequency and get about the same value you got before: 10-20 cps (tap). You vary the distance (thump) between upper and lower jaw. This gives a relative value (being gassed here -RLG - one cough) to the intensity of the RF. It's heavy RF. You turn over on the other side, observing the effects. 'Teeth' still chattering. Another thump from above when you turn over. You count your blessings: at least they are not doing (tap) (boom) your feet! (boom).