Friday, September 29, 2006

The Devil Cares About You


You wonder how long this will go on. Is this only a (boom) demonstration or is it serious: are they really, really pissed? Are they trying to actually induce a cardiac arrythmia (thump)? Fine with me. There is no more pleasant way to die: a sudden strange feeling of fading away, then nothing. Forever. What a way to go! 'He died in his sleep, lucky fella, but he probably went to Hell.'

The RF session turns out to be non-serious (thump): they do you just enough to keep you awake 'til about (thump) 6:00 Am. It stops suddenly and you go to sleep again. Kootch wakes you up at 7: 00 Am (thump) so that you can bolt the door after her. If you don't bolt the door they will let you sleep, then they will enter the (boom) apartment and do some sort of mischief to let you know they were there (boom). The bolt has kept them out for years: they have long had the key to the lower lock, and the combination to the upper lock, but they have not been able to defeat the bolt.

After Kootch leaves you may or may not try to go back to sleep, depending on how you feel. And they may or may not allow you to sleep, depending on how they feel. Notice that whereas my relationship with Kootch is 'distant' and 'pleasant,' my relationship with 'them' is 'up-close and personal:' they know much more about my life than Kootch knows. Furthermore they 'care' much more about my life than Kootch cares. Whereas my relationship with Kootch is essentially benign, my relationship with 'them' is essentially malignant (thump): they care. Kootch doesn't care.

If nobody cares about you, then count your blessings!