Enough for One Sitting
Extremely heavy RF began Sunday morning and lasted through last night. I have never seen it this bad. Yesterday I decided to broach the RF subject with Kootch. Did she have any 'symptoms?' Seems Kootch does indeed have symptoms - at least 'hot feet' symptoms, especially at night, and likes to keep her feet out from under the covers as a result. There are no numb spots on her feet, however, and no other obvious symptoms (tap) such as skin-crawling and tingling. I'm not surprised by the lack of symptoms, because the antennas are much closer to my living areas in the bedroom and living room than they are to her living area in the (other) bedroom, and the 'inverse square law' would suggest as much. But I did find it interesting that she had symptoms of 'hot feet,' especially at night. Would she find the RF explanation credible?
I gave her the theory in a nutshell, so to say, explaining that RF radiation was simply another way for the Gerash and his 'technicals' to harrass me. It was like the gas they had been using: effective, but almost impossible to prove. Kootch laughed at the idea (she still doesn't buy the gas either) and I didn't press the matter.
Then I wondered out loud why the place down there (tap) was uninhabited. Could we maybe buy it and rent it out? How much rent would such a place command? It was a ploy, of course, to get her wondering why such prime real estate has gone vacant for so long - literally years. I implied that the place was uninhabited because it was uninhabitable due to gas and RF, then left it at that. I have learned not to disturb Kootch's world view too much at one sitting.
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