Friday, July 07, 2006

Gutenberg's Fuck-up


My recent studies concerning the subject of 'stalkers/stalking' led to a very funny place, 'Jerusalem Syndrome.' Sufferers from this particular mental malady become psychotic after arriving in Jerusalem. Hmm. Does this unfortunate syndrome spread itself across religious boundaries? Do Jews, Christians, and Muslims all suffer from JS? One wonders. I would almost bet that (being gassed here) many of the folks on The 700 Club would be very good candidates for this particular religious infirmity. Hey, Pat! You guilty? I bet you are, you devil, you!

As I read the piece I was reminded of my current conviction that most all of 'modern religion' (an obvious oxymoron) was actually Cultural Delusion. I think Freud made that point in his book, 'The Future of an Illusion,' (which I have not read, by the way). It amazes me that I live in a world full of people who disregard current discoveries about the Nature of Things in favor of old and odius ideas taught by ancient ignoramuses. Gutenberg definitely fucked up when he printed The Bible.