Friday, November 24, 2006

A Brain-Crippled Jew


My other 'relationship' (the one with the sicko Jewish queer Walter Gerash) has meanwhile taken a drastic downward turn. I had been playing a lot of chess online at Comcast. I was kicking lots of ass. But I kept noticing a consistent pattern: a new player (not a 'visitor') would show up often. The Player was always rated 1200 (the rating of a new player). That player would play the same defense (I usually play the white side because white has the advantage of the first move) as most previous 1200-rated named players. This went on for several weeks. The Player was what I call, 'a fish.' That is to say, The Player was a much inferior player and I would always win. Most 'visitors' (also innitially rated at 1200) were either very good or very bad, but the 1200-rated named players mostly seemed to be fish. I eventually began to suspect that Walter Gerash, obsessed stalker, was actually starring in those various fishy roles of named 1200 players.

If you have never suffered the attentions of an insane stalker then you might be tempted to assume that such a scenerio would be quite pleasurable to the superior player: he gets to humiliate the insane stalker time and again ad nauseum, enjoying every minute of that more or less grotesque interaction. But you would be dead wrong about that. On the contrary, it is the stalker who is doing the enjoying. True, he is defeated time and again. But this humiliation is more than compensated for by the interaction. The stalker longs for interaction. Interaction equals participation - participation in the life of the beloved (or behated - it's all the same to those unfortunate people who are obsessed).

So I stopped playing chess and began playing C-III again. That was last Sunday. Beginning Monday the gas attacks increased to a violent level (and actually peaked monday) and the RF attacks at night also increased in duration such that during the entire week I was severely sleep-deprived. I actually got enough sleep last 'night,' but of those 15 hours I spent in bed at least 8 of them were done enduring the nightly torture of RF. In fact, my log for Wednesday night shows that I was attacked with RF from 0420 until 1015!

I have no doubt that these attacks were the emotional response of a brain-crippled Jew who felt rejected over the chess board by his half-Irish 'soul mate.' Yeeesh.