Friday, July 14, 2006

Endless War


Walter Gerash in his own words. I'm really not up to commenting (boom) at the moment, since I am waaaay sleep-deprived now, and I'd really rather think about sweeter things. So I'll save my comments for next week. I would point out the obvious right now, however:

Gerash has no sense of humor. Whatever humor he expresses is unintentional humor. Gerash is all about conflict, struggle. Gerash is at war, endless war.

Gerash may be an excellent lawyer, may not. I wouldn't know. But Gerash is not an excellent chess player, that is delusion. Gerash is poor on the chessboard, a beggar who plays down in class C or class D. His 'peak' near the top of class B was an abberation of some sort, not likely to be repeated.

Is his evaluation of himself as a great lawyer equally flawed? I think so. Gerash is a crook. His 'victories' are less due to his courtroom 'art' than to his excellent technical assistance in the form of other lawyers, private investigators, and 'hit men,' not to mention 'ghost writers.'

Gerash is a liar, incapable of saying the truth, or even recognizing the truth. The only thing authentic about Gerash is his hatred. It's what he does best.