Friday, July 21, 2006

Three Books


Three books arrived from Amazon this week and I've been so busy that I haven't even started to read them. The most promising seems to be, Electromagnetic Fields, by Blake Levitt. The other two are, The Body Electric, and Cross Currents (too lazy to credit the authors at the moment). I am looking for information, of course (thump above). If I find anything interesting I'll let you know. I am aware that noxious gases can cause health problems (like, for example, lung cancer), but my ignorance of electromagnetic fields - at least the physical effects of such - is breathtaking. Are my balls being slow-roasted? Approximately when can I expect them to be well done? (Another thump -or wall boom - take your pick.)

I have pretty much given up playing C-III. It is, after all, an avoidance behavior. It was fun (boom). But I am (boom) finding that it is also fun to learn new stuff at the same time I kick Judeofaggot ass in my blogs. Not as much fun as C-III, but still fun enough.

I just reread 'The Bizarre' written July 17. It makes much more sense now, after my first beer. Hint: if some of my writing seems wierd, have a beer and read it again. Makes much more sense after a beer. By the way, I am back to supermarket-bought 3.2 beer. Monday's harrowing encounter with booze-shop-bought Natural Ice was a lesson learned.