Thursday, June 30, 2005

(3) Modus Operandi

My impression has always been that in general the night shift is more violent than the day shift. Yesterday's log tends to confirm that impression. Each 'harrasser' has an individual style, and in spite of the fact that they try to follow a common 'modus operandi' I can detect the inevitable subtle differences between them. I have noticed this for years. Many years. Way too many years.

The 'night shift' comes on about 1830. Until fairly recently it was a common practice for the night shift to stomp on the floor just above me while I was playing C-III. These stomps were often violent enough to elicit the 'startle response.' Some nights they would stomp above five or ten times as I played the game. There was (and still is) other related behavior as I play C-III: taps and wall booms. These behaviors seem to be 'comments' on my quality of play. The night shift (especially) seems to follow my every move in the game. I have even been gassed by way of commentary!

One day some months ago, after a long series of stomps, I decided that enough was enough: I went upstairs and kicked their goddamned door as hard as I could. I knew that I was 'playing right into their hands.' It has long been the policy of whomever has lived up there to harrass me to the point where I react in some 'illegal and chargable way,' then to call the ACSD and try to get me charged with a crime. The policy has worked several times, but those are other stories.