Friday, October 14, 2005

(4) Gas Log for 10-10-05

up at 0600
0720 b 1 0 burning
1112 b 1 1 throat gas
1113 b 3 0 " (also in the hallway)
1123 b 1 0
1235 b 2 1 burning
1349 b 2 1
1430-1530 k and l lo level gas - difficult to talk due to thick mucus on vocal cords
1624 b 3 0 burning
1631 b 2 0
1633 b 2 0 (constant gas since 1624)
2058 b 4 0 lung gas
bed at 2330 (gas 2330-2400, 0600-0615, 0700-07300)